- 교육명 : 12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Helicobacter
- 교육기관 : 대한상부위장관·헬리코박터학회(소화기내과)
- 교육날짜 : 2015-03-20 (금) 15:10 ~ 19:25
- 지역 : 제주
- 장소 : 제주신라호텔
- 교육문의 : 02-565-9946
- 승인평점 : 4점 - 프로그램 15:10 ~ 15:35 PPI Therapy: Weighing the Risks/Benefits(Tentative) Huahong Wang(Benefits Peking University) 15:35 ~ 16:00 Medical Treatments Beyond Acid Suppression(Tentative) Quach Trong Duc(Hochiminh Medical University) 16:00 ~ 16:25 Optimizing therapy for H. Pylori infection in the era of antibiotic resistance Ratha-Korn Vilaichone(Thammasat University) 16:25 ~ 16:50 Updates on Extragastric manifestation of H. pylori-related disease Dae Young Cheung(The Catholic Unniversity) 16:50 ~ 17:10 Discussion 17:10 ~ 17:35 Features of refractory GERD in Korea: A multicenter study Hyung Hun kim(The Catholic Unniversity) 17:35 ~ 18:00 Short-term effect and long-term prospect of the expanded indication of H. pylori eradication TBD 18:00 ~ 18:15 Case Discussion 1 Jeong Hoon Lee(서울아산병원) 18:15 ~ 18:30 Case Discussion 2 Byung Hoon Min(삼성서울병원) 18:30 ~ 18:50 Symposium (Acid Pocket) TBD(.) 18:50 ~ 19:10 Symposium (Functional Dyspepsia) Jee Jyun Kim(삼성서울병원) 19:10 ~ 19:25 Discussion
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