- 교육명
: 2015 AOTrauma Principles Course
- 교육기관
: 대한골절학회(AOTrauma Korea)
- 교육날짜
: 2015-03-19 (목) 09:30 ~ 18:40,
2015-03-20 (금) 08:00 ~ 18:45,
2015-03-21 (토) 08:00 ~ 12:50
- 지역
: 부산
- 장소
: 해운대 그랜드 호텔
- 교육문의
: 031-551-1810
- 승인평점 : 16점 - 프로그램
3월 19일 09:30 ~ 09:45 The AO world?From history to lifelong learning 김기용(서울아산 정형외과) 09:45 ~ 10:00 Fracture fixation using locking plates 한승범(고대안암 정형외과) 10:00 ~ 10:15 The (soft-tissue) injury?a high priority consideration C Ma(대만) 10:15 ~ 10:30 Influence of the patient factors and the injury mechanism on fracture management 오종건(고대구로 정형외과) 11:05 ~ 11:15 Biology of bone healing?review of eLearning activity 이근배(전남대 정형외과) 11:15 ~ 11:25 AO classification of fractures long bones-review of eLearning activity 박기철(구리한양대 정형외과) 11:25 ~ 11:40 Absolute stability: biomechanics, techniques, and fracture healing W Lavadia(필리핀) 11:40 ~ 11:55 Relative stability: biomechanics, techniques, and fracture healing 변영수(대구파티마 정형외과) 11:55 ~ 12:10 Principles of diaphyseal fracture management?what is important in treating these fractures? W Lavadia(필리핀) 12:10 ~ 12:25 Reduction techniques of diaphyseal fractures?principles and methods 손욱진(영남대 정형외과) 13:25 ~ 14:35 Internal fixation with screws and plates?absolute stability 박기철(구리한양대 정형외과) 14:50 ~ 16:00 general principles, classification, concepts of stability 16:00 ~ 16:15 Management principles for articular fractures?how do they differ from diaphyseal fractures? C Ma(대만) 16:15 ~ 16:30 Reduction techniques for articular fractures?principles and methods 오창욱(경북대 정형외과) 16:40 ~ 18:40 AO Skills Lab 오창욱(경북대 정형외과)
3월 20일 08:00 ~ 08:15 Forearm fractures need understanding of principles for diaphyseal and articular fractures 정구희(고신대 정형외과) 08:15 ~ 09:15 Preoperative planning?“plan your forearm operation 한수홍(분당차 정형외과) 09:15 ~ 10:15 fixation of a 22-C1 forearm fracture using the LCP 3.5 한수홍(분당차 정형외과) 10:30 ~ 11:30 Management principles for the treatment of diaphyseal fractures 11:30 ~ 11:45 Femoral neck fractures 장재석(서울아산 정형외과) 11:45 ~ 12:00 Trochanteric fractures 민병우(계명의대 정형외과) 12:00 ~ 12:15 Distal femoral fractures?management principles 한승범(고대안암 정형외과) 12:15 ~ 12:30 Tibia plateau fractures 김강일(강동경희대 정형외과) 13:30 ~ 14:30 Tension band wiring of the olecranon 김지완(해운대백 정형외과) 14:30 ~ 15:30 Management principles for the treatment of articular fracture I 15:45 ~ 16:00 Distal radial fractures?which to fix? How to fix? 한수홍(분당차 정형외과) 16:00 ~ 16:15 Fractures of the olecranon and patella 이준영(조선대 정형외과) 16:15 ~ 16:30 Ankle fractures?a logical approach for their fixation 이근배(전남대 정형외과) 16:40 ~ 17:40 Tibial shaft fractures 이준영(조선대 정형외과) 17:45 ~ 18:45 Management principles for the treatment of articular fracture II
3월 21일 08:00 ~ 09:00 Polytrauma 09:00 ~ 09:15 Radiation hazards 손욱진(영남대 정형외과) 09:15 ~ 09:30 Minimally invasive osteosynthesis (MIO) - when to use it? C Ma(대만) 09:30 ~ 09:45 Treatment algorithms for the polytrauma patient 임승재(삼성서울 정형외과) 09:45 ~ 10:00 Emergency management of pelvic fractures - a critical skill can save lives 김지완(해운대백 정형외과) 10:30 ~ 11:30 Intramedullary nailing of a proximal femur using a proximal femoral nail anti-rotation (PFNA) 임승재(삼성서울 정형외과) 11:35 ~ 11:50 Implant removal - why, when, and how? 손훈상(국립의료원 정형외과) 11:50 ~ 12:05 Management of open fractures W Lavadia(필리핀) 12:05 ~ 12:20 Infection after ORIF 오종건(고대구로 정형외과) 12:20 ~ 12:35 Delayed healing?causes and treatment principles 오창욱(경북대 정형외과) 12:35 ~ 12:50 Violation of principles 변영수(대구파티마 정형외과)
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