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The Liver Week 2015 DAY 1

작성자 사진: 메디컬포커스메디컬포커스

- 교육명 : The Liver Week 2015 DAY 1

- 교육기관 : 대한간학회(대한간학회, 한국간담췌외과학회, 대한간암학회, 대한간이식연구회)

- 교육날짜 : 2015-06-18 (목) 09:00 ~ 17:50

- 지역 : 부산

- 장소 : 부산 벡스코

- 교육문의 : 02-703-0051

- 승인평점 : 6점 - 프로그램 09:00 ~ 09:20 Viral Clearance and Pathogenesis Kyong-Mi Chang(Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA) 09:20 ~ 09:40 History of Drugs: From Interferon to DAA Wan-Long Chuang(Kaohsiung Medical Univ., Taiwan) 09:40 ~ 10:00 Treatment Options: West vs. East W. Ray Kim(Stanford Univ., USA) 10:00 ~ 10:20 What the Future Beholds : Issues and Challenges Masashi Mizokami(National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Ja) 10:40 ~ 11:00 Noninvasive Tools for the Diagnosis of Cirrhosis: Is TE Not Enough by Itself? Castera Laurent(Univ. of Paris-VII, France) 11:00 ~ 11:20 How Should We Handle the Confounders of TE for the Optimal Interpretation: Does ALT, Antiviral Thera Henry Chan(The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 11:20 ~ 11:40 Optimal Cutoff Value of TE for the Diagnosis of Cirrhosis Seung Up Kim(Yonsei Univ.) 11:40 ~ 12:00 Chinese Practice for the Noninvasive Diagnosis of Cirrhosis Jinlin Hou(Southern Medical Univ., China) 13:30 ~ 13:50 Immunopathogenesis of HBV Infection and Principle of Immunotherapy for HBV Infection Kyong-Mi Chang(Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA) 13:50 ~ 14:10 Clinical Experience of HBV DNA Vaccine in Korean Patients with Chronic HBV Infection Seung Kew Yoon(The Catholic Univ. of Korea) 14:10 ~ 14:30 Optimized Immunotherapy to Cure Chronic HBV Infection Pei-Jer Chen(National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan) 14:30 ~ 14:50 Hepatitis C: Nation-wide Screening of HCV, Is It Necessary or Ineffective? Lai Wei(Peking Univ., China) 14:50 ~ 15:10 Hepatitis C: Interferon-based Regimens, Still Useful or Useless? Young Seok Kim(Soonchunhyang Univ.) 15:10 ~ 15:30 Future Use of DAAs in Asia-Pacific Region Ming-Lung Yu(Kaohsiung Medical Univ., Taiwan) 16:30 ~ 16:50 Mechanism-based New Target for Therapy in ASH Won Kim(Seoul National Univ.) 16:50 ~ 17:10 Drink or Not, That is the Problem Seung Ha Park(Inje Univ.) 17:10 ~ 17:30 Management of Alcohol Dependence in Clinic Suk Bae Kim(Dankook Univ.) 17:30 ~ 17:50 Drug Therapy for NAFLD: What is New? Yun Soo Kim(Gachon Univ.)

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제호 : 메디컬포커스

발행인 : 유승모

​서울시 강남구 선릉로122길 12, 2층 (삼성동, 부흥빌딩)

전화 : 02-701-9800

등록번호 : 서울 아01261

등록일 : 2010년 6월 3일

편집인 : 김경진

청소년보호책임자 : 유성철

발행일 : 2014년 4월 10일

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