- 교육명 : The Liver Week 2015 DAY 3
- 교육기관 : 대한간학회(대한간학회, 한국간담췌외과학회, 대한간암학회, 대한간이식연구회)
- 교육날짜 : 2015-06-20 (토) 09:00 ~ 16:55
- 지역 : 부산
- 장소 : 부산 벡스코
- 교육문의 : 02-703-0051
- 승인평점 : 6점 - 프로그램 09:00 ~ 09:20 Optimal selection of surgical candidate in non-conventional setting Dong Sik Kim(Korea Univ.) 09:20 ~ 09:40 Antiviral Therapy for the Prevention of HCC Recurrence after Surgical Resection Jung Il Lee(Yonsei Univ.) 09:40 ~ 10:00 Surgery for HCC Patients with Portal Vein or Bile Duct Invasion Duk Bok Moon(Ulsan Univ.) 10:00 ~ 10:20 Non-Surgical Therapy for HCC Patients with Portal Vein or Bile Duct Invasion Hee Chul Park(Sungkyunkwan Univ.) 10:40 ~ 11:00 Post-LT Metabolic Syndrome Jaeseok Yang(Seoul National Univ.) 11:00 ~ 11:20 Surveillance of Recurrence and De Novo Solid Tumor Shin Hwang(Univ. of Ulsan) 11:20 ~ 11:40 Allograft Dysfunction: Mechanism & Prevention H. Egawa(Tokyo Women) 11:40 ~ 11:55 Advance in Transartieral Treatment: Conventional TACE Osamu Matsui(Kanazawa University, Japan) 11:55 ~ 12:10 Advance in Transarterial Treatment: Drug-eluting Bead TACE Jin Wook Chung(Seoul National Univ.) 13:10 ~ 13:30 Bridging Pathologic Information into Clinics Haeryoung Kim(Seoul National Univ.) 13:30 ~ 13:50 Surgery vs. Locoregional Therapy for Early HCC Su Jong Yoo(Seoul National Univ.) 13:50 ~ 14:10 Multimodality Treatment for Intermediate and Advanced HCC Ju Hyun Shim(Univ. of Ulsan) 14:10 ~ 14:30 Radiation Therapy in HCC: lmplications from Korean Multicenter Registry Study Jinsil Seong(Yonsei Univ.) 14:50 ~ 15:05 Major Resection with PV reconstruction Kokudo Norihiro(Tokyo Univ.) 15:05 ~ 15:20 Lap Resection of huge HCC Hironori Kaneko(Toho Univ.) 15:20 ~ 15:35 Ex vivo Resection with HV reconsturction Yamamoto(Tokyo Womens Hospital) 15:35 ~ 16:00 Discussion .(.) 16:00 ~ 16:15 Various types of donor resection Right side Wang HJ(Aju Univ) 16:15 ~ 16:30 Various types of donor resection Left side Kyung-Suk Suh(SNU) 16:30 ~ 16:45 Lap donor hepatectomy Eguchi(Nakasaki) 16:45 ~ 16:55 Discussion .(.)
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