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대한요로생식기감염학회 13차 정기학술대회

- 교육명 : 2015 대한요로생식기감염학회 13차 정기학술대회

- 교육기관 : 대한비뇨기과학회(대한요로생식기감염학회)

- 교육날짜 : 2015-05-02 (토) 09:00 ~ 17:10

- 지역 : 서울

- 장소 : 경희대학병원 정보행정동 지하1층 제1세미나실

- 교육문의 : 02-573-8190

- 승인평점 : 6점 - 프로그램 09:00 ~ 09:15 Molecular Defense Mechanisms During Urinary Tract Infection (Defensin, Uromodulin, etc) 장인호(중앙의대) 09:15 ~ 09:30 Clinical Significance of Tall Like Receptor and Tall Like Receptor Blocker 송필현(영남의대) 09:30 ~ 09:50 Survey for Prevention and Control of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection of Health-Care Faci 장윤숙(한양대학교병원) 09:50 ~ 10:10 Nursing Management for Reducing CAUTI 유소연(가톨릭대 성빈센트병원) 10:10 ~ 10:40 Urogenital Tuberculosis in Russia Ekaterina Kulchavenya(Novosibirsk Research TB Institute) 10:50 ~ 11:05 National Trends of Antimicrobial Resistance in Uncomplicated Cystitis 최현섭(가톨릭의대) 11:05 ~ 11:20 National Trends of Antimicrobial Resistance in Prostate Biopsy 정승일(전남의대) 11:20 ~ 12:00 Abstract Presentation I 천준(고려의대) 12:00 ~ 12:15 Review of AUA 2013-1014 UTI & Inflammation 정홍(건국의대) 12:50 ~ 13:20 Post UTI Pain Syndrome and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome David J. Klumpp(Feinberg School of Medicine) 13:20 ~ 13:50 Bladder Microbiome and LUTS 배재현(고려의대) 13:50 ~ 14:10 Conventional Urologic Concepts of Bacteria and CP/CPPS 오미미(고려의대) 14:10 ~ 14:30 Proposed New Pathophysiology of CP/CPPS 민승기(국립경찰병원) 14:30 ~ 14:50 UPOINT: How to Use Real Practice? 민권식(인제의대) 15:10 ~ 16:10 Abstract Presentation III 박흥재(성균관의대) 16:10 ~ 16:25 How to Optimal Manage Febrile UTI? (Child & Aldolescent-Focus on Antigen, Cause & Incidence) 이상돈(부산의대) 16:25 ~ 16:40 How to Optimal Manage Febrile UTI? (Elderly - Focus on Mortality & Severerity) 양승옥(서울보훈병원) 16:40 ~ 16:55 Clinical Meaning of Intracellular Bacterial Community (IBC) in Human Cystitis 최훈(고려의대) 16:55 ~ 17:10 New Biomarkers Predict Future UTI & Lower Urinary Tract Inflammation 하유신(가톨릭의대)

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