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  • 작성자 사진메디컬포커스

Myocardial Ischemia Symposium 2015

- 교육명 : Myocardial Ischemia Symposium 2015 (MIS-Korea)

- 교육기관 : 고려대학교안암병원(순환기내과)

- 교육날짜 : 2015-03-06 (금) 08:00 ~ 17:55

- 지역 : 서울

- 장소 : 밀레니엄서울 힐튼호텔(Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel)

- 교육문의 : 02-920-6730

- 승인평점 : 6점

- 프로그램 08:00 ~ 08:15 Coronary intervention with drug-eluting balloon Ngai-Yin Chan(Princess Margaret Hospital) 08:15 ~ 08:30 The role of Drug-eluting balloon in DES Era Sung Yun Lee(Inje University) 08:30 ~ 08:45 Clinical outcomes in the PCI of ISR with EES MS Lee(UCLA Medical Center) 09:10 ~ 09:25 Recent Update of Hearticellgram-AMI Sang Don Park(Inha University) 09:25 ~ 09:45 Recent Update of Auto-CD34+ cells Thomas J. Povsic(Duke University Medical Center) 09:45 ~ 10:05 STEM CELL THERAPY IN ADVANCED HEART FAILURE. IS THERE A ROLE? Francisco Fdez-Avilés Díaz(Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maranon) 10:05 ~ 10:20 사이토카인-말초혈액(매직셀, Magic Cell) 줄기세포치료법 Hyun Jae Kang(Seoul National University) 10:40 ~ 10:55 ASCOM: Epigenetic Regulation for Cardiac Differentiation Seunghee Lee(Seoul National University) 10:55 ~ 11:10 The role of Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway in cardiomyogenesis Jong Sun Kang(Sungkyunkwan University) 11:10 ~ 11:25 Transforming MSC therapy for cardiac repair using biomaterials Byeong Su Kim(Seoul National University) 11:25 ~ 11:45 Cathepsin K-Mediated Notch1 Activation Contributes to Neovascularisation in Response to Hypoxia Xian Wu Cheng(Nagoya University) 12:00 ~ 12:25 Gender Difference in Coronary Plaque Seung Hwan Han(Gachon University) 12:25 ~ 12:50 Revisiting Of Endothelial Function in Patients Ih CAD Woo Young Chung(Seoul National University) 13:20 ~ 13:40 Development of a Novel Biostent Alexander M. Seifalian(University College London) 13:40 ~ 14:10 VEGF-Bound Biostent for Rapid Re-endothelization Masakazu Yamagishi(Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine) 14:10 ~ 14:30 Surface Modification Technique for New Stent Development Geon Na(Catholic University) 14:30 ~ 14:50 Application of New Biostent into Large Animals Young Joon Hong(Chonnam National University) 15:20 ~ 15:35 Fundamental Knowledge:Left Atrial Appendage Anatomy, Function And Relational Pathology Kyoung Hwan Kim(Seoul National University) 15:35 ~ 15:50 Echo, CT and Fluoroscopy for LAA Occlusion Seong Mi Park(Korea University) 15:50 ~ 16:05 Hemodynamic and Patient-Care Concerns When Accessing the Left Atrium Jai-Wun Park(Study of human medicine at Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ) 16:05 ~ 16:20 How to do Septal Puncture for LAA Occlusion Sang Won Park(Korea University) 16:40 ~ 16:55 NIRS Utility in the Unstable Patient With ACS/NSTEMI Myang Bo Sim(National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital) 16:55 ~ 17:10 Screening, Preparation, and Selection Of Patients By Heart Valve Team Young Kook Ko(Yonsei University) 17:10 ~ 17:25 Echo, CT and Fluoroscopy for TAVR Seung Hyuk Choi(Sungkyunkwan University) 17:25 ~ 17:40 Hemodynamic and Patient-Care Concerns During TAVR Kiyuk Chang(Catholic University) 17:40 ~ 17:55 Tips and Tricks of TAVR With Case Review Michael Haude(Städtische Kliniken Neuss, Lukaskrankenhaus GmbH)

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제호 : 메디컬포커스

발행인 : 유승모

​서울시 강남구 선릉로122길 12, 2층 (삼성동, 부흥빌딩)

전화 : 02-701-9800

등록번호 : 서울 아01261

등록일 : 2010년 6월 3일

편집인 : 김경진

청소년보호책임자 : 유성철

발행일 : 2014년 4월 10일

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