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PACE 2015 with KSC

작성자 사진: 메디컬포커스메디컬포커스

- 교육명 : PACE 2015 with KSC - 교육기관 : 대한심장학회(대한심장학회) - 교육날짜 : 11월 28일~29일 - 지역 : 서울 - 장소 : 포시즌스 호텔 서울 - 교육문의 : 02-3275-5258 - 승인평점 : 5점 - 프로그램 14:00 ~ 15:00 Arrivals delegates & registration () 15:00 ~ 15:10 Welcome and opening remarks () 15:10 ~ 15:20 Review educational x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-objectives Philip Barter MD(Sydney, Australia) 15:20 ~ 15:45 Risks for coronary heart disease in Korea: The prevalence and the future forecast. Sang-Hyun Kim(Seoul, Korea) 15:45 ~ 16:10 Carotid and peripheral vascular disease in Korea; What are the issues and perspectives ? Seung Whan Lee(Seoul, Korea) 16:10 ~ 16:40 Screening for cardio-cerebro-vascular risk: What are the opportunities and strategies? Kausik Ray, MD(Imperial College London, UK) 16:40 ~ 17:00 Coffee Break () 17:00 ~ 17:40 Evolving concepts in management of patients at increased CV risk? Kausik Ray, MD(Imperial College London, UK) 17:40 ~ 18:20 Lipids 2016: Novel insights in diagnostics and management? Philip Barter MD(Sydney, Australia) 18:20 ~ 18:50 Addressing CV risk in Korea: Interactive panel-expert discussion moderated by Korean faculty Expert panel of Korean and international faculty() 18:50 ~ 19:00 Wrap up, summerizing issues for the 2nd day meeting Philip Barter MD(Sydney, Australia) 19:00 ~ 21:00 Dinner () 07:30 ~ 08:00 registration () 08:00 ~ 08:15 Recap day 1, and introduction day 2 Prof Kausik Ray(Korean co-chair) 08:45 ~ 09:15 Statin therapy, the kidney and the brain Kees Hovingh, MD(AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands) 09:15 ~ 09:45 The role of BP management in addressing CVD & stroke: Evolving therapeutic insights Kausik Ray, MD(Imperial College London, UK) 09:45 ~ 10:15 Korean diabetic patients with cardiovascular risks: Update on best strategies for prevention Soo Lim(Bundang, Korea) 10:15 ~ 10:30 Coffee Break () 10:30 ~ 11:00 Interactive case discussion: A patient with Familial Hypercholesterolemia Kees Hovingh, MD, Sang-Hak LEE(AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Seoul, Korea) 11:00 ~ 11:40 Global Lipid guidelines: What and how to use? Philip Barter MD(Sydney, Australia) 11:40 ~ 12:20 The future of CV Risk management: What will change in the next 5 years? Kees Hovingh, MD(Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam) 12:20 ~ 12:40 PACE-CME: tools and support in education-How to convey your message most appropriately Onno Kaagman(PACE Foundation) 12:40 ~ 13:00 Wrap up, meeting conclusions, and call for action Philip Barter MD(Sydney, Australia) 13:00 ~ 15:00 Lunch ()

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