- 교육명 : 2015 The Annual Meeting of the Korean Societies for Anesthetic Pharmacology
- 교육기관 : 대한마취약리학회(대한마취약리학회)
- 교육날짜
: 2015-04-18 (토) 09:00 ~ 17:35
- 지역 : 서울
- 장소 : 백범김구기념관
- 교육문의 : 010-3462-7847
- 승인평점 : 6점 - 프로그램 09:00 ~ 10:00 Plenary lecture 유경연(전남의대) 10:00 ~ 11:00 Open source for clinical trial, OpenClinica 정기태(조선의대) 11:00 ~ 11:30 Research electronic data capture, REDCap 이정우(전북의대) 11:30 ~ 12:00 Clinical data registry for a retrospective study 정철우(서울의대) 13:00 ~ 14:00 Brain and genomics, new research territories in anesthesiology: pharmaceutical perspective 엄영준(먼디파마) 14:00 ~ 14:30 Erythropoietin and organ protection 김태엽(건국의대) 14:30 ~ 15:30 Opioid-induced hyperalgesia in surgical patients 이현정(부산의대) 15:30 ~ 16:30 Opioid-induced hyperalgesia in surgical patients 최병문(울산의대) 16:30 ~ 17:35 Poster presentation
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